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support for learningの例文


  • Another key characteristic is the development of information technology as a support for learning.
  • The ground floor is made up of the support for learning, guidance, physical education and technical departments.
  • The software for disabled people in the contest will be concerned with access to information and support for learning facilities.
  • The tribunals were established in November 2005 by the Education ( Additional Support for Learning ) ( Scotland ) Act 2004.
  • The mastery model allows teachers to provide the materials, tools and support for learning while students set goals and manage their time.
  • Jefferson provides support for learning-disabled students through a dedicated reading instruction program, two special-education classrooms, and a learning counselor.
  • The groups are English, mathematics, modern languages, the sciences, social subjects and RME, expressive arts, health improvement, technology, and support for learning.
  • Without that home and community support for learning English, students sometimes use their native language as a crutch, said Claudia Martin, a first-grade teacher at Vaughn.
  • Their whole ethos is about support for learning, not about creating stupid and arbitrary disincentives .-- [ Talk ] 20 : 50, 5 May 2013 ( UTC)
  • Results are then used to identify students who are experiencing difficulty and need additional time and support for learning as well as students who are highly proficient and require enrichment and extension.
  • Nor would it allow for the smaller classes, higher teacher salaries and tutoring programs that would be required to give children without a lot of home support for learning a realistic chance to meet high standards.
  • Some Aboriginal communities and linguists show support for learning programs either for language revival proper or for only " post-vernacular maintenance " ( teaching Indigenous Australians some words and concepts related to the lost language ).
  • This had a number of advantages for candidates : Colleges were funded so courses were available and more affordable; college support for learning needs could be accessed; the standards and skills required became more transparent and accessible.
  • In a stinging decision that chastised Boston University for yielding long-standing support for learning-disabled students to unfounded stereotypes, a federal judge Friday found the school violated the law by enacting tougher rules two years ago.
  • The Education ( Additional Support for Learning ) ( Scotland ) Act 2004 redefined the law in Scotland relating to the provision of special education to children with additional needs by establishing a framework for the policies of mainstreaming " in Scottish education.
  • In Scotland the term Special Educational Needs ( SEN ), and its variants are not official terminology although the very recent implementation of the Additional Support for Learning Act means that both " SEN " and " ASN " ( Additional Support Needs ) are used interchangeably in current common practice.
  • The school departments are Business Education and Computing, English, Expressive Arts ( Art, Drama, Music ), Health ( Home Economics, Physical Education ), Mathematics, Modern Languages ( French, German ), Social Subjects ( Geography, History, Modern Studies, Religious Education ), Science ( Biology, Chemistry, Physics ), Support for Learning and Technical Education ( Craft and Design, Graphic Communication and Technological Studies ).
  • Taking suggestions from Prof . Robert Andrews, the director of the school's Academic Support for Learning Differences program, Carlson advised Smith to use a tape recorder in class, that he would need more concentrated tutoring, that he might benefit from untimed tests, slower-paced courses, an increase in the size of the words on a printed page, and something else : that he should drop his major of computer science and enter the school of physical education.
  • The school has extensive facilities including a Mathematics department, English department, Science department, ICT suites, Technology department, Performing Arts department, Humanities department ( Religious Studies, Geography & History ), Practical Arts department, Fitness Suite, Sports Hall, Main Hall, Canteen, Sixth Form Common Rooms, All-Weather Pitch, Language department, Business department, Support for Learning department, Health & Social department, Physical Education classrooms and a Music department with practise rooms.